A Christian spiritual renewal and leadership development movement
Weekend #100 Candidate Count
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last - and so that whatever you ask in My name the Father will give you. This is My command; love each other." - John 15:16-17
The LVCCM Support Team is a group of volunteers who use their Via de Cristo experience to train teams as they are assigned to their weekend roles. These trainers meet regularly with team members to prepare them for their roles. These positions are not subject to terms of service and are not voting members of the Secretariat. Upon exiting their positions, the outgoing team members and Secretariat will work together to select the successor. Current members of the support teams and their responsibilities are listed below.

Lead Trainer
Cathy Swenson
The Lead Trainer oversees the Rector and Rectora Trainers, Head Server Trainer, Cook Trainer, Professor Trainers, and Cha Trainers. swenson88888@yahoo.com 989-600-8888 Reports to: Leaders Chair

Rector Trainer
Ken David
The Rector Trainer trains and advises the new rector selected by the LVCCM Secretariat and serves as liaison between the rector and Lay Director in obtaining approval for team members and assignments. kde-kdavid@sbcglobal.net 989-233-3747 Reports to: Lead Trainer

Rectora Trainer
Joan Patten
The Rectora Trainer trains and advises the new rectora selected by the LVCCM Secretariat and serves as liaison between the rectora and Lay Director in obtaining approval for team members and assignments. joanrjack@yahoo.com 989-714-0801 Reports to: Lead Trainer

Prayer Chain Coordinator
Barb Patrick
The Prayer Chain Coordinator receives all prayer needs and sends them out to the LVCCM community via the prayer chain lvccmprayer@gmail.com Reports to: Palanca Chair
Ultreya Coordinators
Kristin Boetefuer, Bonnie Randall, & Kris Crammond

The Ultreya Coordinators organize monthly regional ultreyas and submit Ultreya updates to be included in the newsletter. KRISTIN (Tri-Cities Ultreya) kristinboetefuer@aol.com 989-750-4316 BONNIE (Tri-Cities Ultreya) bisbon@aol.com 989-697-3595 KRIS (Monroe Ultreya) 734-659-6292 Reports to: Postweekend Chair
Professor Trainers - Men
Ken David & Brian Pickelman

The Professor Trainers work with table professors to help them understand the dynamics, flow, and purpose of the weekend, their role as professor, how to be sensitive to candidate's reactions at the table, and what they can do to help the weekend be successful KEN kde-kdavid@sbcglobal.net 989-233-3747 BRIAN lvccmvicepresident@gmail.com 989-860-4645 Reports to: Lead Trainer
Professor Trainers - Women
Margie Phillips & Betty Kirkley

The Professor Trainers work with table professors to help them understand the dynamics, flow, and purpose of the weekend, their role as professor, how to be sensitive to candidate's reactions at the table, and what they can do to help the weekend be successful MARGIE margie001@me.com 989-430-4157 BETTY ouiski2@charter.net 989-430-3900 Reports to: Lead Trainer
Chacho Trainers
Matt Brownlee, Ryan Wood, & Josh Burkhard

The Chacho Trainers meet with those assigned to Chacho positions to help them understand the dynamics of the weekend and carry out duties they will be responsible for during the weekend. Training consists of verbal and hands-on demonstrations (i.e. seating of tables, stations of the cross, escorting rollistas, etc.). MATT brownleem624@gmail.com 989-621-7869 RYAN ryanwood@jranck.com 989-802-2897 JOSH jcburkhard@gmail.com Reports to: Lead Trainer
Chacha Trainers
Nancy Walk & Heather Murphy

The Chacha Trainers meet with those assigned to Chacha positions to help them understand the dynamics of the weekend and carry out duties they will be responsible for during the weekend. Training consists of verbal and hands-on demonstrations (i.e. seating of tables, stations of the cross, escorting rollistas, etc.). NANCY nwalk@sbcglobal.net 989-714-9275 HEATHER midlandmurphy@gmail.com 989-213-1771 Reports to: Lead Trainer
Facebook Administrators
Lori Periard & Laura Hollingsworth

The Facebook Administrators oversee the site and monitor posts and other activity. LORI lvccmsecretary@gmail.com 989-284-5679 LAURA hollingl796@yahoo.com 989-525-3745 Reports to: Newsletter Editor

Web Servant/Technical Support
Travis Jones
The Web Servant/Technical Support maintains LVCCM website. All website design and updates are provided by the Newsletter Editor. This role is also responsible for cloud storage, email management, and other technical aspects of LVCCM communication strategies lvccmwebservant@gmail.com 989-832-5064 Reports to: News Editor

Recruited each weekend; names change
The Critiquers meet with Rollistas and hold them up in prayer while they prepare their rollo. Once the talk is written, critiquers will time the talk and offer suggestions, as needed. Critiquers are only asked to critique rollos they have given on past weekends. The only exception to this is that a past rector or rectora can critique any of the rollos, whether they have given them or not. ​Reports to: Leaders Chair

Recruited each weekend; names change
The Photographers coordinate with Facilities Chair to get a ladder onsite Friday, so they can take team photos Saturday morning for men's and women's weekends Reports to: Vice-President

Head Server Trainer
Mark Spence
The Head Server Trainer trains the head servers and their assistants for the upcoming weekends. This position has a similar responsibility to the head server as a critiquer has for a rollista. mwspence1@gmail.com 989-859-5132 Reports to: Lead Trainer

Cook Trainer
Karrie Sayan
The Cook Trainer recruits a head cook and suggests 3-4 other members for each weekend's cook team. Recommendations can come from the rector/rectora, or volunteers who have expressed willingness and ability to serve. karriesayan@gmail.com 989-239-6306 Reports to: Lead Trainer

Food Buyer
Jean-Marc Patten
The Food Buyer buys and delivers to the site all non-donated foods for the 8 meals of both men's and women's weekends. jeanmarc_patten@hotmail.com 989-714-6994 Reports to: Vice-President

Supplies Buyer
Joan Patten
The Supplies Buyer buys and delivers all consumable supplies (other than food) used on the weekends and ensures that chas with special responsibilities (head server, mail, chapel, facilities, rollo room) are informed about the location and use of these supplies, as well as what to do if these items need to be replenished during the weekend. joanrjack@yahoo.com 989-714-0801 Reports to: Vice-President