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FROM THE SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR "Ponderings From Pastor Paul"

I know there are many of you who, like me, have been blessed by the Via de Cristo movement. It truly changed my life when I attended weekend #39 in 1995. I experienced the love of God in a way that I never had before.

The blessings of that weekend were enhanced each time I served on team for other weekends. I served in various capacities as a chacho and I gave a number of rollos as a lay person. Since being ordained in 2010, I have served as a spiritual director on more than 20 weekends. Through serving on these weekends, I have been blessed to get to know and love people I had never known before. And I am blessed to be known and loved by them.

For the last few years, I have served as Spiritual Director on Secretariat. This has also been an incredible blessing. I truly love and respect every one of those individuals I have had the opportunity to serve with, even when we didn’t always agree.

Now it is time for me to step down from Secretariat and take care of some other commitments I have made. This is not because of any issues that have arisen with myself or with the organization. We all just have to say “no” to some good things, so that we can say “yes” to some other good things. That is the position I find myself in today.

I will still look forward to serving on teams when asked, but it is important that I take this off my plate for now.

Pastor Bob Allmann officially took over as Spiritual Director for Secretariat after the October women’s weekend. Many of you know Pastor Bob since he has also served on many teams and held this position prior to me. I know he will continue to serve Secretariat and the LVCCM community with great love and wisdom.

As I conclude this final newsletter article, I want to encourage you to continue experiencing God’s love every day. Engage in your piety, study, and action so that you grow in His love and His calling for your life. Jesus is the only solution for this world that seems so upside down. I am absolutely convinced that God’s plan includes you in ways which you cannot truly yet appreciate. Continue to walk with Him and always remember…God loves you and so do I!

Pastor Paul


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