Pray for weekends that are scheduled in 2024:
May 2-5: Ionia Correctional Facility Men's Weekend
May 30-June 2: Thumb Correctional Facility Men's Weekend
October 24-27: Central Michigan Correctional Facility Men's Weekend
October 24-27: Chippewa Correctional Facility Men's Weekend
November 7-10: Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility Men's Weekend
Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters who made their Keryx weekend and are living their fourth day in their facilities. Pray that they would share the gospel to those in their facility. Pray that the church within each facility would walk in unity and walk in the love that Jesus brought to each of us.
If you would like to join the Keryx Community in praying during the Keryx weekend at Thumb Correctional Facility, below is a link to join in praying.
Be blessed in all that you do,
Rev. Dan Adamczyk
Dan Schaefer