Resourcefulness is the ability to find creative ways to solve problems and break through barriers. Whether we are dealing with challenges at work, personal dynamics, or situations within an organization in which we are involved, we often find ourselves in need of answers or solutions. Thank God we are not always expected to have all the answers or solutions initially. Knowing where to seek guidance or advice is important to ensure that the desired outcomes occur. Being humble and vulnerable to ask for help can reduce our stress and help us make better decisions and achieve better outcomes.
As I reflect on Judges 9:53, I am reminded of how God uses us for His glory. In this story, God used a certain woman to throw a millstone from a stone tower in a time of war to kill an evil man named Abimelech. This woman was not a soldier, nor was she trained in the art of war. She saw an opportunity and by the grace of God, her actions led to a favorable outcome. She was resourceful and not afraid to act or step out of her comfort zone. The Bible is filled with many stories where God uses regular people in His master plan.
As I think about the dynamics of a VDC weekend, we often find ourselves in situations where we have many questions and challenges to resolve. Sometimes, we have food issues in the kitchen with timing, quantities available, or allergy concerns. Other times we find ourselves dealing with unruly candidates or team member behaviors or perhaps personal issues. Sometimes we are ahead of schedule and other times we are a bit behind. A variety of things can go sideways, potentially resulting in negative outcomes.
Fortunately, after hosting as many weekends as we have, our community has much experience and is always improving training processes to help guide us as we go forward. With being at different church sites and dealing with different people in different roles, each weekend is unique and special. Sometimes I find myself providing the answers and many times I find myself in need of them. Thanks be to God; we have an incredible amount of collective wisdom and experience within our community to draw upon.
Just as in life, the best-laid plans do not always go smoothly or work out. Our mindset is a very important element to consider. As hard as it can be, viewing the current challenge as an opportunity can be helpful. Try not to over-focus on what is going wrong but instead, spend the energy on finding the potential solutions or seeking additional guidance. Not all situations require an immediate response or specific action to be taken. Allow yourself a bit of time to pause, reflect, be resourceful, and then move forward once you are clear-headed and ready.
God loves you and so do I,
Jeff Walk