The dust has settled on both the spring Men’s and Women’s weekends. Thank you to God for blessing the weekends and doing mighty work. Thank you, Via De Cristo community, who answered the call and said, “Here I am, send me.” Thank you, community, for the countless ways you demonstrated apostolic action in action. What great examples of the love of Jesus, as you served on team, prayed in the chapel, helped set up and tear down, donated food and supplies, served meals, washed dishes, decorated tables, serenaded, blessed others with palanca, and so much more.
As I think about ALL the people that are involved with each weekend, I am grateful for those who choose to serve. God knows exactly what is needed for each weekend and we are puzzle pieces that He puts together for His glory. The success of the weekend is due to the collective collaboration of so many people.
I have always been in awe of the mighty redwood trees. A few years back my wife Melody and I visited a national forest along the west coast and they did not disappoint. To stand in their majestic presence was incredible. The smell, feel, and perspective of this experience impacted us both. Their sheer size and ability to withstand the tests of time and elements of nature is awe inspiring.
One might think that trees that grow as tall as 350 feet would have deep roots for stability, but this is not the case with redwoods. Their roots are less than 10 feet deep, but they spread out up to 100 feet from the trunk. The strength of the trees come from the intertwined and fused roots of the surrounding trees that share nutrients and provide strength.
Keeping in contact with other Christians is important to the health of our faith walk. Sometimes we are the ones that can be the strength and support for others that are struggling. Other times, we are the broken ones in need of guidance or someone to listen without judgement. Genesis 2:18 tells us “And the Lord said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” God knew we would need others for fellowship, camaraderie, and support.
If you haven’t attended an Ultreya in awhile or perhaps would like smaller group format of a reunion group, there are options to stay connected. We’ve all heard the phrase "an isolated Christian is a paralyzed Christian". Let us be the support that those around us need and let us know when to reach out to those around us for the support we need.
God loves you and so do I!
Jeff Walk, Lay Director