When you hear the word Palanca, what comes to your mind?
Palanca is described in our team manuals as an expression of your love, prayers and sacrifices for another person or persons. This act of kindness could change a person’s whole life.
Palanca can come in many forms. It may be letters, cards, trinkets, decorating tables, praying in the Community Chapel, donating food items (SignUp Genius), working at the site, etc.
There is so much that goes into the makings of a successful weekend. All in all, the weekends are beautiful varieties of Palanca.
There are many ways that we can bless others in the form of Palanca that may seem like little things; however, in reality, those are some of the things that touch the hearts of the Candidates and Team members most on the weekends.
One of these items by itself is a wonderful act of kindness, and God honors that; however, when all of these are put together, they make a huge impact on the weekends and demonstrate God’s love in action through each of us.
We are all servants of our Lord and as many preparations are now taking place for the fall weekends, it’s not too early to pray about any of the above forms of Palanca you would be willing to help with. Together we stand strong and with God in the center of it all, we have the opportunity before us to make huge impacts in our community.
If you are not sure who to contact for an area that you are interested in helping with, I invite you to check out links on the LVCCM website for that, such as the sponsor application, women's SignUp Genius, men's SignUp Genius, the weekend schedule (for meal times, community chapel times, etc.) and the team rosters, which includes who is serving in the specific areas that may be of interest to you. We thank you for your servant heart as you consider where God may be calling you to offer your specific Palanca to the weekends.
God loves you and so do I!
Nancy Walk
Palanca Chair