Welcome new cursillistas from Weekend 98!
Via de Cristo encourages everyone to be part of a small group - to pray together, study together, serve together and encourage one another. There are many reunion groups in central Michigan who would love to have you join them! Or you can start your own group!
If you need information on what a reunion group is, visit the LVCCM website at lvccm.org. Put your mouse over the header "Living Your 4th Day" and then click on the link "Reunion Groups." Here, you will see sections explaining what a reunion group is, how to get help finding one, and a detailed refresher on the green card you received on your weekend.
If you need help finding a reunion group, your sponsor is a good place to start for help. You may also contact me via the phone number or email listed on the Reunion Groups webpage. Part of my role as Postweekend Chair is to help new or current cursillistas get into a reunion group or start a new one.
Don’t forget… “An isolated Christian is a paralyzed Christian!”
God loves you and so do I,
Kristin Boetefuer