I apologize for not having an article the last few months. I had wonderful intentions, but it simply did not end up getting done. I’m not providing excuses, just seeking forgiveness. With that said…let me get back to my car. I hope you believe me when I say I’m not obsessed with my car. I truly only write about it when I write a newsletter article. It’s not like I write about it in my diary every night. And in the midst of ugly winter weather, it honestly hasn’t been on my mind that much. But the temperatures are warming up, the roads are almost salt free once again, and my mind begins to drift to my ‘64½ Mustang. It is almost time to release it from its winter blanket. I knew when I bought such an old car, there would be some things that would need to be fixed. From the outside, it looks fantastic. There are a couple of very minor blemishes here and there, but overall, it is in outstanding condition. However, there were some mechanical issues that I was aware of. I was able to drive it home last summer, but only barely. It just didn’t run well. A good neighbor friend of mine helped me order the right parts, get it tuned up, and even directed my family for appropriate Christmas presents for me. But as excited as I am to turn the key once again in the weeks ahead, I’m also a bit nervous. I have the tools. I did everything right to winterize it. But will it start? Will it run like it did when I put it away? I think I may need my friend.
We all have an incredibly beautiful possession...the gift of faith. And like my car, it may look sweet on the outside, but there may be some things internally that are not running quite right. Perhaps those that drive by your life wouldn’t notice the issues, but those who ride through life with you will. Those in the passenger seat of your life are the friends who can help you get things running like they are supposed to. Maybe you have heard the statement, “An isolated Christian is a paralyzed Christian.” We were not created to live our lives, or our faith, in isolation. We were designed for community. We run better when others are engaged in our life. We progress down the road of life more joyfully when we ride together. We journey more effectively when we have others in our life to help us stay in tune. I honestly don’t know what condition my Mustang would be in today without my friend. And I don’t know what condition my faith would be in without my Christian brothers and sisters. If you don’t have close Christian friends in your life, I encourage you to find them. Be real with them. Allow them to know the areas of your life, especially regarding your faith, that aren’t running well. Give them permission to inquire and to be honest with you. There will be costs involved. It can be expensive to fix a car, or a life. But Jesus covered the ultimate cost of bringing us to be with Him for our eternal life. He paid with His own life. He died on a cross to remove your sin, which is what keeps your life from running like it was intended to. And He gives us the power of His Holy Spirit to help us stay in tune. Isn’t that worth risking a little and sharing your life of faith with others? May God guide you to men and women who will look under the hood of your faith with you and travel the road alongside of you.
God loves you and so do I! Pastor Paul