Our May Ultreya was combined with Grace Lutheran Church in Monroe. Eleven people from the Tri Cities attended with 26 in the Monroe church serving as hosts. The 4th Day speaker was Griff Crammond who challenged us with these questions:
What are you doing to stop the noise in your life?
What are you doing to stop the noise on other people's lives?
Griff shared with us 3 examples in his life of how interference with others helped him to try and share Christ with them. Apostolic Action was indeed demonstrated. We should: 1) Pray
2) Seek the will of God and His word
3) Be intentional
1 Peter 5:8 says "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
Many thanks to Grace Lutheran in Monroe for the blessing of hosting this joint Ultreya. We were served a delicious chicken meal with yummy desserts, as well as an altar visit around God's altar praying and singing.
Our Tri-Cities June Ultreya is June 21 at Peace Lutheran Church in Saginaw. Our speaker will be Carol Schellhas. Our Monroe Ultreya is June 14 at Grace Lutheran Church in Monroe, speaker to be determined.
God Loves You and So Do We, Kristin Boetefuer and Bonnie Randall