The September Tri Cities Ultreya was held at Redeeming Love Christian Embassy. The 4th day speaker was Pastor Rick Milks and there were 26 in attendance. Pastor Rick's talk centered around Luke 8:22-25 with Jesus and the disciples in the boat when a fierce storm descended on the lake. The discussion questions centered on how our environment changes our ability to go to God with our fears and storms of life. We should remember Matthew 28:19 "Surely I (God) am with you always to the very end of the age."
Thank you, Pastor Rick, for this motivating and thought-provoking discussion.
Our next Ultreya is October 18th at Floyd Church of God. Pastor Bob Allman from Women's Weekend 99 will be our 4th day speaker. His topic will be "The Bible: God's Wonderful Word."
God Loves You and So Do We, Kristin Boetefuer and Bonnie Randall
SOUTHEAST MI ULTREYA UPDATE The Monroe and southeast Michigan Ultreya was held Friday September 12, 2024, at Grace Lutheran Church in Monroe Michigan.
We were blessed to have 21 participants, with two having traveled from the Tri-Cities area to be with us!
Our Fourth Day speaker was Mary Dandar, who shared an exciting part of her personal faith journey and the change that has resulted in her. Mary challenged our small groups to discuss "when did the Holy Spirit make an unexpected visit in your life?"
The evening was filled with prayer, praise reports, singing, fellowship, discussion and concluded with prayer and an altar visit. Sandwiches and snacks rounded out the evening!
Our next Ultreya is Friday October 11, 2024, at Grace Lutheran Church. The Fourth Day speaker will be David Voggenreiter Sr.
God Loves You and So Do I, Kris Crammond